Thursday, January 31, 2008

Secrecy Not Privacy Unless We Elect Ron Paul.

The basic liberties given us in the Constitution are almost all gone.

If McCain (and his CIA overlords) gets elected secrecy will intensify. No one will ever be able to tell about how McCain collaborated with his enemy captors to save his own neck. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. The lies and oppressions of the government will vanish from public scrutiny and to accomplish this level of secrecy people will have to vanish also.

Of all of the candidates for President, whether Democrat or Republican, only Ron Paul talks about the civil liberties associated with a Constitutional government. He understands how to reinstate the safeguards for our human rights and our property rights. He understands that the Constitution is the rule of law and is the guarantor of a free and prosperous nation.

We are at a critical point in history and in the history of America. Our privacy is in danger. The secrecy needed for the socialism and fascism espoused by the hand-picked Presidential candidates is predictably very severe. The secretive overlords (difficult to know exactly who they are) who want a puppet President want to keep their anonymity and power, and they use the fear that they can wield because they have power and appear to be unknown to keep the media silent.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Neoconservative Socialists Or Ron Paul!

Either choose a neoconservative socialist or Ron Paul, that is the choice of the Republicans who are voting for a Presidential candidate. Hiding behind a façade of conservative rhetoric Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and Rudy Guilliani all view our nation as something that needs to be managed. Some would micromanage ( Romney), others would delegate it (especially the economy) to someone else (McCain), and just like the other two they would all find some way to impose their beliefs on everyone. This is why it is very appropriate to be alarmed and concerned about fascism in America. The application of what appears to be neoconservative rhetoric, by these politicians who view their responsibilities in the same way as socialists, is nothing but fascism.

The neoconservatives are dangerously close to being socialists because they desire to direct resources towards their objectives. To accomplish their objectives they need to assume control of resources that are supposed to be in the hands of private individuals. They claim it is for the good of all.

They claim it is for the good of all! This is blatantly a socialist mentality.

Ron Paul is the only candidate, either Republican or Democrat, that is not a socialist. Ron Paul is a classical liberal and a statesman with an unparalleled record of fiscal responsibility and Constitutional liberty and justice. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote to put the Republic back in Republican!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

McCain's Lack of Economic Understanding Breeds Socialism!

When John McCain is asked about the economy he responds in one of three ways.

1. He doesn't want to appear completely inept so he talks in circles using economic jargon but never saying anything that has any substance. Typical politician blah-blah. Typical socialist blah-blah.

2. He wants to appear like he is Presidential so he says that he will consult the experts. Someone tell him that if he doesn't understand economics he won't know if the 'experts' know what they are talking about! He will not be able to tell the difference between socialism and interventionism. (The answer is, in fact, that there is no difference.) He cannot make that determination so he will hand the country over to the socialists - some great protector and patriot (his hollow claim).

3. Or he talks about being fiscally responsible and against "pork barrel' spending like 'the bridge to nowhere.' What about all the fiscally irresponsible aspects of monetary policy and international finance? His depth of understanding is limited to only a blatant 'pork barrel' project while the vast majority of the economic issues are far beyond his ability to comprehend.

Here we are at a critical time in our history with a monstrous economic problem on our hands and John McCain wants to be the President! It may be that his incompetence is even greater than that of George Bush.

It is clear as day that Ron Paul has diagnosed the problem of the dollar bubble and he knows the steps we need to take to restore the Republic to its intended purpose.

Do not vote for John McCain unless you think America should have an economic imbecile as the President (again). The socialists are whispering their pathetic advice in his ears!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It Turns Out That Americans Love the Constitution! Thank You Ron Paul.

Waking up from slumber and realizing that it has been a bad dream, Americans are refreshed by the light of dawn. It takes a short time to fully begin activity and so a few stretches ensue. Next it is time to rid ourselves of the impurities that the immune system of our body has filtered out to keep us healthy.

This is an analogy of the current status of the Ron Paul Presidential campaign in America. The slumber was our indifference towards the two-headed single party system. We were woken by the clarion call of Ron Paul announcing that the Constitution is the rule of law. The bad dream that we had been experiencing was the socialism and fascism of the Keynesian neoconservatives who had hijacked the Constitution and replaced it with millions of pages of legislation and regulation and intervention.

The wakeful stretching was the grassroots support around the country for Ron Paul and the minor victories that energized the body as a whole just like stretches do. Now we are at the time to send the lying politicians (or even the ones who are not lying but who are so ignorant about the evils of socialism that they do not know any better) and the scheming media pundits into the the sewage system where they belong.

Invigorated and cleansed from the unspeakable we are ready to rise up and serve and preserve the Constitution, acknowledging that we have been honored in this way for a reason. America has a destiny to fulfill and the only way that destiny can be discovered is by adhering to the principles of the Constitution.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How Did the Media Become the Tool of Socialism?

Every day it becomes more obvious how deeply rooted socialism has become in what used to be the bastion of freedom and liberty. It used to be that the United States of America prided itself on the freedom of press. Now socialism is so advanced in the minds of Americans that they either sit on their hands while blatant violations of the free press take place or they jump on the Nazi bandwagon of propandizing their opposition to the voices of liberty.

Look at the platform of the Socialist Party in the 1920's and you will think that you are reading the Democratic platform of 2008 or listening to the Republican Forum in New Hampshire in January of 2008. No wonder they excluded Ron Paul. He is not a member of the Socialist party!

Part of the plan all along of the socialists/communists/interventionists/totalitarians was to infiltrate academia and the media. It looks like their infiltration has reached a critical mass. The peer pressure generated by these permeated institutions squashes all but the strongest.

That is not a bad thing. We only want the strongest. The battle to come will be won for that reason. We have the strongest ones on our side! Liberty and truth will prevail!

And there is another ally and that ally is the power of equilibrium! Very soon the forces of equilibrium will shatter the hollow shell of socialism and there is nothing that the pathetic media pundits or the academic charlatans can do to hide their fascist affiliation as the fragments of socialism go crashing to the ground.