Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Are The Young Unemployed?

As the interventionists shackle the entrepreneurs the miseducated who were fed the propaganda of Statism feel dependent on the State. This is the system.

Hopefully education via the internet will cause an awakening and the unConstitutional coup will be chased into oblivion!  
For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kerber In Germany And Koerber In Iowa Know The Eurozone Will Crumble.

From today's Open Europe news summary:

German Professor Markus Kerber argues in Handelsblatt that "Germany should leave the eurozone", noting that "the impossibility to apply all those big EU measures towards Greece should lead to the conclusion that the solution for the eurozone’s problems no longer can be found within the current system, but should be reached through an organised exit from the eurozone."

And this Professor Koerber, who lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa also 'argues' that Germany should leave the eurozone!

Leaving is not a bad thing (O the horror!) but rather it is merely good evidence that the economic laws associated with the equilibrium power inherent in the economy are becoming undeniably inviolable. Sure the law of gravity seems to be violated when the ball is thrown up but that is a short term phenomenon! So too with the economic idiocy of Keynesianism and all of the variants of interventionism.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.