Saturday, March 22, 2008

Constitutional Monarchy is the Best Form of Government.

At a later date I will go into more detail. At present I submit to you that the long range vision of a monarch is like that of a private property owner who has a vested self-interest in making sure that the nation remains wealthy. A just monarch is keenly interested in making sure that the citizens are cared for since it is their loyalty that makes the monarch viable.

The Constitutional part is key. The monarch is not the principal director of governmental affairs but he or she is the protector of the Constitution, guarding against socialism and fascism and the fallacies of democracy. Democracy, is the rule of the people but it is exceedingly short-sighted and leads to the plunder of the wealth of the nation to appease the politicians who are short-run caretakers intent upon enriching themselves for the short duration that they are in power.

As you can see, just like a monarchy is similar to a private property owner, democracy is similar to mob rule with a kingpin mobster in charge. They try their best to amass enough power to be able to challenge the other kingpin mobsters (called Democrats or Republicans in the U.S.) all the while enriching themselves and their kinfolk (political and corporate leeches). It is a form of nepotism.

For more information go to .

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Not Ask the Three Stooges About the Economy?

No I am not talking about Moe, Larry and Curly! I am talking about McCain, Obama and Hillary!

These three stooges of the status quo power elite will avoid speaking about the economy as much as possible because if they make known their views it will sound and look like the planks of the Socialist Party slightly seasoned with rhetoric straight from the fascist’s doctrine.

Why not ask them about the economy? Because the media knows this and is trying to serve their overlords by getting one of these ego-driven interventionists elected President, just as told to do so by their overlords. The media will try to run diversions through their sleazy ‘news’ coverage to distract the masses but, thank God, we are living in a time when they are being rendered impotent! The media will not be able to keep the collapse of the economy a secret!

Sooner or later they will have to ask the three stooges about the economy. Unless Americans have somehow confused our Founding Fathers with Lenin and Stalin their answers will be perceived as sour and rancid and sickening.

The prescription for that ill feeling is to hear what Ron Paul says about the economy. It is a plain fact that Ron Paul is a true American. In addition he is a scholar of classical liberalism and of free market economics and he is an uncompromising Constitutionalist which means that he can and will restore our Republic.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yellowstone and Grand Canyon Go To China and Saudi Arabia!

The ‘Undoing of Socialism’ here refers to the economic collapse of the Keynesian system exploited to the max by the Democrats and Republicans. They are really just different names for the same political party which could not be openly proclaimed - the Socialist Party - so they put on the façade of a ‘multiple party’ system. It is all becoming less relevant because the whole thing is falling apart anyway.

But our creditors, the nations that we went into debt with to finance our welfare/warfare State, they do not care whether the whole political situation in America is in shambles. They simply want payment for the trillions of dollars loaned to the power elite who bankrupted our country.

The first settlement agreed to is the Grand Canyon. And for the time being the second settlement is the ownership of Yellowstone National Park.

Now it is very clear what it meant: that the massive debt (brought on by all of these sleazy politicians) was going to be paid for by our children and our children's children. They will not be able to visit these places since they are now ‘privately owned’ by China and Saudi Arabia, respectively.

Our children and their children will have to begin the slow process of rebuilding but who knows what sovereign jurisdiction they will be a part of. Will there be a remnant that still adheres to the U.S. Constitution? If so, that is where the hope for liberty will reside.

Such a setback will mean that it will take even longer before the destiny of America, which is to bring liberty to the world, can be achieved. That is if the destructive ventures and the irresponsible and un-Constitutional policies of the imbeciles of the Socialist Party (Democrats and Republicans) haven’t already lead to the total annihilation of the noble experiment started by our Founding Fathers and institutionalized in the Constitution.

Turn to classical liberalism for an understanding of liberty. Keep the flame of liberty alive! Reject the socialism and fascism of all of the politicians. The one statesman, the classical liberalism scholar, who can prevent this scenario is Ron Paul!