Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ideological Change Springing From The Greatest Statesman In History!

Ron Paul continues to peacefully educate people in this country and around the world and this is happening at the same time as the economic crisis is stirring the sleeping masses.

The competition for the attention of the newly awakened persons is between the belligerent half-truth propagandists and the truth bearers of the banner of liberty and justice.

Ron Paul is the greatest Statesman in human history and he is humbly and effectively creating what can only be described as an ideological change, a change from the fascist socialism of the ego-driven interventionists to the philosophy of classical liberalism.

The effect of this ideological change will be peace and prosperity and the advancement of civilization!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Will Market Forces Crush TIME?

Market forces penetrate even the propaganda tools! What good is a propaganda tool if it is considered irrelevant?

If no one wants to buy TIME magazine because it cannot be trusted to provide unbiased information the magazine will fail. That is how the market works. Like in the Soviet Union the propaganda tool can exist temporarily apart from the market with the aid of a subsidy, in this case by the advertising money that comes either directly or indirectly from the unConstitutional coup (and its arms or more descriptively: its tentacles).

But relevance is still a major issue!

To appear relevant they place Ron Paul in the list of 100. To appear to be unbiased they portray his stance on gold accurately.

TIME magazine, thanks for helping to spread the cause of liberty! If you haven't learned the lessons of the market you will fail despite your little tactic to appear relevant.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Europe Needs A Statesman Like Ron Paul!

Since a principled scholarly classical liberal that has the fortitude to enter and succeed in the political arena is so rare, Europe may need to borrow Ron Paul!

But that is not so far-fetched since we share a common heritage of the western civilization that spawned classical liberalism. So forget the artificial, man-made boundaries since they do not apply to the human intellect or to the cause of liberty and freedom and peace and prosperity.

Step one: Get rid of the central bank and return to a gold standard.

Step two: Stop economic interventionism and return to a free market economy.

Step three: Cut government spending and cut taxes.

Step four is more of a European thing and it has great possibility there: Return to constitutional monarchies.

If there are voices in Europe that speak of these ideas as the solution to the economic blight in Europe then you may have a statesman in your midst.

There is no reason there cannot be more than one statesman on earth at the same time. In fact we need more and the sooner the better! Ron Paul can help you and you can help Ron Paul.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

'Success' Of Something Unethical Is An Obomination!

When something is unethical why would opposing it (not wanting it to succeed) be deemed as a negative?

In the bizarre world of politics where advice is being given by ethically neutral (in other words, ethically void) economists there is no test, no standard. That is exactly the symbolism also being conveyed by the lack of a gold standard, not coincidentally. Without a standard it is all an illusion, subject to misinterpretation (or economic intervention in the case of gold).

But not everyone is an ethical moron. And not everyone is an economic moron.

Those who do not want something that is unethical to succeed are fully rational. Those who just use rhetoric to oppose things but never really comprehend that there is a lack of ethics are ego-driven interpreters that will immediately become ego-driven interventionists as soon as they gain power.

With the standard of ethics (and the gold standard in the economic sense) as the criterion the demagogues can easily be separated from the ones who are truly wise and just.

Where do you stand? Are you opposed to the unethical impositions of socialism and fascism or are you just opposed on the grounds of political partisanship?

Or maybe you are so poorly educated about classical liberalism that you actually want these oppressive and totalitarian schemes to succeed. Shame on you!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Silly Claim That The Deficits Will Be Reduced!

Congressman Ron Paul not only speaks the truth but, not coincidentally, he speaks on behalf of productive members of society at all levels of net worth, from the poor to the rich.

It is productivity, hard work, and savings, that has made America a prosperous nation not squandering resources to satisfy the schemes of the ego-driven interventionists.

Keep educating us Ron Paul!

Can the media do their job or will they be pressured to dump the propaganda of socialism and fascism on the public? Ron Paul is also a cure for their affliction if only they will refuse to censor his dignified wisdom!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Who Are These Con Artists That Are Stealing From Us?

We never did actually see the guest list!

The local farmers - the productive citizens in the area - were at the 'barn party' but they were ignored and even gossiped about by the political class; from the lowest local tax-consuming bureaucrat, to the middle-ranked, ambitious political climber who benefits from gambling proceeds, to the high rollers who function as ego-driven interventionists and who mingle with the agents of the unConstitutional coup.

Instead of torching the barn like General Sherman these destroyers are economic terrorists doing the bidding of the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup.

Last I heard Bernanke and Paulson were seen passing notes back and forth about the new international fiat currency that will be used to insure world monetary hegemony for the elite ego-driven interventionists. But there is a counterforce!

If we do our job the next barn party that the political class goes to will be used for condemning them with foot-in-mouth disease and for the cleaning out their disease-infested manure as part of the sterilization of the barn.

Then productivity, property rights, peace, and prosperity can return.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.