Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is Socialism Really The Same As The Neocon Right?

As is no surprise: the 'neocon thought' of both of the political parties that serve the unConstitutional coup are on the 'right.' Every repulsion associated with the 'right' is due to the coercive nature of all of its stances, regardless of which issue it is addressing.

It is also no surprise that the unConstitutional coup is statist and can be classified as anti-liberalism. It is oppressive and ego-driven.

In the real world all ego-driven interpretation and all ego-driven interventionism is without moral authority and is destined to fail as long as the human spirit is destined to prevail.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rothbard's "Anatomy of the State" Destroys Socialism!

So it is that each person has a subjective evaluation. Personally I like the cover because it conveys the message that it is evident that a detailed analysis can be made. Afterwards the quacks (the ego-driven interventionists, that is, the socialists and fascists) who want to mislabel and misdiagnose can only do so if they conceal the scientific truth from the people.

Thank God the irrepressible force of the market process is by its very nature what causes information to flow, dooming to failure all erroneous human intervention into the economy.

For more information go to my website. To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ambassador Richard Holbrooke Lies To Congress!

This pawn of the unConstitutional coup didn't even come close to answering the specific question asked by Congressman Ron Paul: "Are innocent Pashtoons being killed by the U.S. military?"

There is no difference in the end between outright lying and deliberate evading of the question, in this case couched in the standard rhetoric of duty and national defense.

The single party of fascism and socialism and imperialism is directing its puppet Presidents (present and past) and their minions (like the boob Ambassador) to pursue its goal of worldwide hegemony.

Is anyone in Congress hearing what the great Statesman Ron Paul is saying? Are they cowardly or are they blinded by a distorted version of patriotism that kills innocent people?

Please Congress, stand up to the unConstitutional coup, defeat it, and return us to a Constitutional Republic.