Sunday, December 8, 2013

Let's Not Go There!

There is no such thing as a mixed economy. There are no free market economies in the world today, only interventionism, which tends either towards fascism or socialism. The economically ignorant masses (propagandized by State-controlled 'education' and the State-controlled media) unknowingly choose totalitarianism over liberty and justice. It is reassuring to know that the equilibrium forces in operation are divine and will ultimately prevent humankind from proceeding all the way to the soulless end – that of totalitarianism.

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Interventionism Disrupts And Corrupts.

We are living in the Dark Ages of economics as evidenced by the ignorance of the disease of interventionism. Not only is the cause of the afflictions hidden in a veil of ignorance but it is being spread like an epidemic by the charlatans who falsely claim to know how to stop the expanding afflictions of the worsening disease.

The true remedy is to allow the flow of knowledge and this is optimized by an unhampered market economy.

All economic intervention disrupts the flow of knowledge and so it is the cause of economic diseases. Some economic intervention not only disrupts but it even corrupts the flow of knowledge which exacerbates the plight of humankind and morphs the disease into a plague. For example, manipulating the interest rate by the demented charlatans at the central banks causes malinvestment, overconsumption, and the redistribution of wealth through theft into the hands of the interventionists.

Since the true remedy comes from understanding that it is necessary to have in place an unhampered market economy one of the very best prescriptions in this day and time is for the people of the world to become familiar with the divine economy theory.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Interventionism Causes The Rich To Get Richer And The Poor To Get Poorer.

Since humans are subjective it is impossible for arbitrary regulation to serve the individuals; which is exactly why self-regulation is condemned by the interventionists. Interventionists are serving themselves at the expense of individuals and their arbitrary regulations are not only scientifically invalid (since humans are subjective) but they enrich the interventionists and their friends at the expense of everyone else.

Interventionism is the manifestation of statism which is also a type of socialism. It is a scourge to human civilization.

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Monday, April 15, 2013

"What If" . . . The State Is Destructive Of Civilization?

That would be a different viewpoint than the myth propagated by the various arms of the State: the education system, the media, and the voices of 'authority'. That viewpoint is not in alignment with the propaganda that is transmitted to us via these channels

The State is not a natural part of civilization since it circumvents the natural process of social cooperation. The State is dependent on coercion and without coercive power it would simply and quickly be discarded voluntarily and replaced with the natural processes of social cooperation.

The artificiality of counterfeit fiat currencies that prop up nationalism and imperialism would fade away. The brutality of wars that prop up nationalism and imperialism would come to an end. The scheming of the political class to enrich itself by confiscation and oppression would no longer be tolerated. 

Since the divine economy theory proves scientifically that there is no moral authority for interventionism all of the above tools used by the State to maintain itself are without any ethical grounds and can only bring into existence the plethora of injustices that destroy civilization.

If instead of the myth the real nature of the State was made known - that it is the destroyer of civilization - would anyone adhere to this satanic (ego-driven) form of nihilism?

One by one we need to make known the myth of the State before the plague of its destructiveness causes a calamity of unparalleled proportions.
Twitter @DivineEconomy

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Debris Of The State.

Oppression and tyranny emerge in human civilization and become the dominant force during the winter season, only to be knocked back by the appearance of a Springtime in human history. The Prophets of God came and freed the people from the oppressive State-like institutions created by the ego-driven. That is the cycle.

The State-like institutions created by the ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists resist the flow of knowledge, extract the wealth of the people, undermine their liberties, and try to institute the false-gods of statism.

It is easy to discern the fact that the grossly unethical actions of the State are obvious and all around us and that must mean that we are living in the Springtime. That is the time when the great potency of newness awakens the latency of winter. The signs of growth - and the discarding of debris - should be a harbinger of joy to everyone, even the slaves of the State-like institutions!

At first growth, the dead and decayed stalks are all that are visible but hidden is the universal and new sprouting. A shower here and a shower there, unpredictable exactly where and its duration, combined with the fertility of the desire for freedom by all people and combined with the heat of the rays of knowledge radiating with great intensity, quickly makes it obvious what is happening. The State is obviously obsolete and useless.

These are exciting times!!!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Socialism Relies On Empirical Economics.

I will leave behind the assumption that empirical economics can capture anything representative of human action. The static data has no relevance to human action – it does not represent it and it cannot predict it. This is why I say that empirical economics is wholly dependent upon ego-driven interpretation and then ego-driven intervention.

Instead I will suggest that the subjective nature of humans is expressed as human action and it is voluntarily expressed within a market process (even if the action pertains to things that are ideal) that is all a part of the infinitely intricate social cooperation latticework. There is nothing manmade that can ever even minutely substitute for this, and better yet, there is no need since the process is divinely ordained to serve mankind according to the needs and maturity of humankind.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

All Monopolies Are State Granted.

All monopolies are State granted. Unless someone owns every bit of a specific resource and unless there are no other resources that can serve as substitutes (practically an impossibility, in other words) the competitive forces that exist in the market never permit the formation of a monopoly. It is only when the State - with its fascist nature - gets involved that a monopoly can ever manifest itself.

The State then uses its near-monopolist position as the supplier of 'education' to propagandize the people into thinking that the State is needed to protect people from monopolies and to 'equitably' provide certain goods and services. What a myth!

Such are the characteristics of living in the Dark Ages of economics!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Economic Law Of Division Of Labor Is Undermined By The State.

In a natural environment - let's describe such an organic environment as an unhampered market economy - humans recognize the beauty and benefits of social cooperation. If you think about the meaning of social cooperation in the context of two or more individuals it is easy to recognize that each person has something to offer. First of all if it is a truism that every snowflake is unique how can it not be appreciated that every human being is powerfully unique.

Additionally each human being has seen the world through a different lens and as subjective human beings they have unique perspectives to bring to their surroundings. It is easy, then, to see that the division of labor began occurring as far back as human records and beyond. Even without assuming the great potential of creativity that is inherent in humans (and those dynamic implications), the diverse contributions made led to an advancement of the economic conditions, as is recognized and understood and documented in economic theory.

It is the diversity of humanity and the releasing of the human potentials within an unhampered market economy that optimizes the progress of civilization.

What is the State? It is a monopolizer of power and control and authority. By its very  nature it undermines the potential of the human contributions to the economy. Its tendency is to function as a monopolist which is the opposite of the tendencies of division of labor, diversity of thought, and experiential subjectivism.

On grounds of pure logic - the State is detrimental to human civilization. That is without even considering how susceptible it is to corruption, and the destructiveness of the ego-driven when the monopolistic reigns of power are seized.

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