Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Debris Of The State.

Oppression and tyranny emerge in human civilization and become the dominant force during the winter season, only to be knocked back by the appearance of a Springtime in human history. The Prophets of God came and freed the people from the oppressive State-like institutions created by the ego-driven. That is the cycle.

The State-like institutions created by the ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists resist the flow of knowledge, extract the wealth of the people, undermine their liberties, and try to institute the false-gods of statism.

It is easy to discern the fact that the grossly unethical actions of the State are obvious and all around us and that must mean that we are living in the Springtime. That is the time when the great potency of newness awakens the latency of winter. The signs of growth - and the discarding of debris - should be a harbinger of joy to everyone, even the slaves of the State-like institutions!

At first growth, the dead and decayed stalks are all that are visible but hidden is the universal and new sprouting. A shower here and a shower there, unpredictable exactly where and its duration, combined with the fertility of the desire for freedom by all people and combined with the heat of the rays of knowledge radiating with great intensity, quickly makes it obvious what is happening. The State is obviously obsolete and useless.

These are exciting times!!!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Socialism Relies On Empirical Economics.

I will leave behind the assumption that empirical economics can capture anything representative of human action. The static data has no relevance to human action – it does not represent it and it cannot predict it. This is why I say that empirical economics is wholly dependent upon ego-driven interpretation and then ego-driven intervention.

Instead I will suggest that the subjective nature of humans is expressed as human action and it is voluntarily expressed within a market process (even if the action pertains to things that are ideal) that is all a part of the infinitely intricate social cooperation latticework. There is nothing manmade that can ever even minutely substitute for this, and better yet, there is no need since the process is divinely ordained to serve mankind according to the needs and maturity of humankind.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: