Sunday, December 23, 2007

Vladimir Putin Is The Media's Person Of The Year!

How blatantly socialist is the media? And the citizenry accepts this declaration in a politically correct manner. How prejudiced are we that we cannot allow the leader of an obviously fascist form of socialism to be the person of the year?

What does this tell you about how far down the Road to Serfdom we have gone. What is one of the chief vehicles used to take us down that road? The media, obviously. They are traveling down the road with reckless abandon!

Now you can understand why the media and their lords (the interventionists) are swarming like wasps after Ron Paul struck their nest with the rock labelled 'fascism'. Attributing the fascist label to a particular candidate is valid only if they are beholden to the conglomerate of the power elite. Watching how they all squirm like the larvae in the nest when they are confronted with the truth of Ron Paul's words and deeds makes it appear likely that most, if not all, of the other candidates can wear the label.

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