Saturday, December 27, 2008

The U.S. And The World Economy Are Infested With Termites!

The unConstitutional coup works from the back rooms. Of course it needs and has front organizations to keep fully propagandized the issues that serve as distractions.

Organizations such as these represent one more layer that has to be peeled away to expose the termites that are destroying the structure of the Constitutional Republic. These termites are economic terrorists and serve as the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup.

As we all know termites create their own downfall since eventually the structure is destroyed. That is why the unConstitutional coup has spread outward and seeks a world government. All the people in the world are being terrorized by this same infestation.

Our goal is to rebuild the structure of civilization with a material that is impervious to their ego-driven intervention. The philosophy of classical liberalism is the architectural pattern needed for the renovation and the principles of classical liberalism guarantee a capital structure destined to bring about prosperity.

There are several exterminators that we can call thanks to competitive entrepreneurship. Call the Mises Institute or the Campaign For Liberty or Lew and get started!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Car Czar And The Second Amendment!

This czar will be a czar! How can we expect to nationalize an industry without an authority figure with an appropriate 'Soviet' name.

Do you think that Putin ever allowed some pesky legislature to interfere with his fascist plans? Nor will the unConstitutional coup permit that here in the U.S.

The difference between Russia and the U.S. is that Putin is now the power behind the Russian puppet Head of State whereas in the U.S. the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup is the power behind the puppet Head of State.

The scale of magnitude between the two is very great. To grasp the difference just look at the omnipresence of the dollar versus the lowly ruble. But don't think that world monetary hegemony is inert! Both of these 'emperors' lust after monetary hegemony.

These two socialistic and fascist systems are trudging along parallel to one another. What will Russia do when the monetary system held together by the fraudulent dollar collapses?

Now you know why the Second Amendment is so valuable. Ultimately it will prevent the U.S. from being invaded when our country is bankrupt and dependent on others for vital resources.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fear The Demise Of Good Business Firms Due To Bailouts!

Fear, fear, and more fear is the portrayal by the ego-driven interventionists and how they deal with the problems that they created.

Then along comes Peter Schiff and he says that the incompetent firms should not be rewarded at the expense of the good businesses. Capital is limited and so instead of good firms being able to access capital it would be made unavailable since the bailout of incompetent firms will funnel capital to be squandered again.

Who is rightfully fearful that the ego-driven interventionists will penalize and paralyze the good firms? They are good firms exactly because they avoid as much as possible the meddling by the interventionists, so of course they are not heard from nor are they given any consideration by the associates of the unConstitutional coup.

The proper placement of fear is upon the possibility that good business firms will be destroyed by the socialists and fascists who surround and make up the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Constitutional 'Rule of Law' Is The Noose!

The 'rule of law' still is on the side of those who aspire for a constitutional government in the United States. It is no wonder since the Constitution is the rule of law.

This is the unbroken circle that is at the heart of the revolution spearheaded by the Campaign For Liberty. This is the unbroken circle that the unConstitutional coup is trying to break.

This unbroken circle will be the noose around the neck of the unConstitutional coup that will squeeze and snap its wretched neck. All of its limbs that have reached out gluttonously all over the world to bribe and desecrate will go limp after a brief tremor.

Now all we have to do is round up the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup. Peel away the veneer of 'the new administration' and find these termites, these economic terrorists!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Vladimir Putin And Barack Obama And Time Magazine!

So, am I supposed to think that the magazine that ordains Vladimir Putin as the Person of the Year will not use the tactics of the KGB? Propaganda is what is the foundation for controlling the minds of the 'new Soviets' so there is no question of ethics. Lying is irrelevant. Whatever serves the State is good - that is the only thing that resembles any kind of ethical stance.

The media is desperate because the unConstitutional coup is desperate and so it has taken the bold move of blatant propaganda. Those in charge of the unConstitutional coup must think that Americans have adopted a weak and submissive acceptance of whatever comes their way from 'on high.'

I suspect that the head honcho of Time is a link to the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup. They already exposed themselves by putting Paulson out there and now they are exposing themselves again by revealing this link.

Let's find out the name of another member of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup by tracking to its source the link to Time.

As we find the names of these economic terrorists they will squirm more and more and then we will see if Americans are weak and submissive.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Political Transition of 'Hope."

Here is the 'Change,' the transition:
We have these pent up anxieties (8 years) by a political class and their beneficiaries ready to take the place of the previously dominant political class and their beneficiaries. These dogs of the earth are drooling just contemplating the booty.

But, unbeknown to these ego-driven interventionists (because they actually believe the propaganda of economic fallacies that the unConstitutional coup proliferates) is the fact that the well has gone dry, the U.S. is bankrupt.

It will be quite bizarre to see and hear all of the absurdities foisted on the third class of people in the United States. Here are the three classes and their status:
  1. The political class in the dominant position with the primary rights of extortion and theft,
  2. The political class in the subordinate position with bottom-feeding rights of extortion and theft,
  3. The people not associated with the political classes who are victimized by the two parasitic political classes.
Since 'Hope' is part of the rhetoric, we can hope that the all-powerful economic equilibrium forces will sweep away these dishonorable, corrupt, and unethical ego-driven interventionists of both arms of the unConstitutional coup and expose the unConstitutional coup to the wrath of true American patriots.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Socialism of Child Health Care!

Child health!

Talk about political correctness!

This is how the interventionists open the pandora's box of socialism. This is how the ego-driven interventionists begin their next extortion scheme.

Where is the concept of parents and their network of friends and family? Government control of the lives of people is - what exactly - if not a form of slavery? Enter the system and feel its pull towards ownership by the State. Or far better, do not enter the system!

Once we understand the language of political correctness and the motivation of the ego-driven interventionists then the 'catch phrases' of the politicians appear as vulgar and perverted. Why do we tolerate their immorality?

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Job Of Government Is Simple!

The government could do its job! It could protect and uphold contracts.

If it protected contracts agreed upon voluntarily by parties involved in any exchange then it would be a stabilizing entity!

Can you believe it? The stated goal of government is to stabilize things and that can be accomplished if they did what they are supposed to do!

Instead we see government causing massive destabilization because it violates contracts and fails to protect contracts.

How simple is the solution! Even the government union employee can identify with the solution: "I only do specifically what my job is and nothing more!"

Someone tell the government 'to protect and uphold contracts' only!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hopeful Signs Of ‘We The People!’

When the members of Congress have to pause and wonder whether they should vote the opposite of their constituents or in congruence with them then you know something is happening!

How would they even know how their constituents feel since the citizens are kept in the dark by the media (that serves the unConstitutional coup). Additionally all legislation is massive and piled full of jargon and oozing with bribes of all sorts to fund all sorts of political schemes.

Usually a few platitudes or weak cries for representation is all the members of Congress hear. Usually the members of Congress simply carry on, business as usual, by aligning themselves with the special interests that will give them the most prestige or campaign contributions.

The bailout vote demonstrated the change that is occurring, thanks to the Ron Paul revolution.

(From now on) Instead, educated (seekers after truth who get their information somewhere other than mainstream media) voters wrote and called their ‘representatives’ and told them how to vote and told them why and told them that their vote will be closely watched and told them that their wish to be re-elected is dependent on the voters not the funds of the special interests! As a result members of Congress paused and pondered.

Reminding the members of Congress that they have to be elected first, then they have to take the oath of office, and then they will be held accountable. It is their sworn duty to uphold and protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.

‘We the people’ will declare them as domestic enemies of the Constitution if they do the bidding of the unConstitutional coup. Disgraced and shunned these traitors will be replaced by principled individuals who understand the philosophy of classical liberalism.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Congress, The UnConstitutional Coup Is In Your Midst!

Let's compare track records

You (Bernanke) have now decided that the economy may be in a recession and you are worried about a return of a depression. How many days ago (or weeks at most) did you finally admit that there was a recession. Did you know about it earlier but just lied to Congress?

Ron Paul, on the other hand, has been warning about exactly what we are experiencing for 30 years and about five years ago he specifically identified the actions that precipitated this bursting of the bubble. He has been forthright with the Congress and the American people. Ron Paul has also been your greatest critic even though he sincerely tried to educate you about the errors of your ways.

Based on these records of credibility why should we believe you (Bernanke) when you say that we should take money (in the form of hyperinflation) from the taxpayers to bail out Wall Street simply because they cooperated with the counterfeiting operation of the Federal Reserve?

Instead citizens should be confident that the principles of classical liberalism that underlie our Constitution clearly guide us to identify the bailout as an act of treason since it just gives more power to the unConstitutional coup.

Bernanke serves the unConstitutional coup as a figurehead. Why would anyone believe a word he says based on his track record?

Paulson is actually one of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup. There, right in front of Congress, sits a kingpin of the unConstituional coup and they do nothing! Seize the economic terrorist and find out who are the other members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup!

Do your job Congress! May God grant you the courage to defend the Constitution.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The UnConstitutional Coup Exposes Its Inner Circle.

The unConstitutional coup is scared! It now has its own representative, the lame duck Treasury Secretary, taking on powers that few Presidents had in the past. Of course the actions taken by one of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup completely circumvents 'we the people.'

But now the veils are falling away and we are finding out who they are! It is no longer just a mysterious 'unConstitutional coup' but it is a circle of individuals. Paulson is one of them. Bernanke is an underling.

Who are the other traitors? Let's find out who they are and tell our fellow Americans (you know, the wakened and wakening citizens of the Constitutional Republic). Let's find out where they live and where they frequent so we can see how they are using the counterfeited money that they are stealing and embezzling.

Soon not only will the unConstitutional coup entity be scared but the individuals who are part of the inner circle will start to lose sleep and worry about what is going to happen to them when the patriots of America find out who usurped our beloved Constitution.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ambitious Economists and Politicians Are Ego-Driven Interventionists.

Through economic imperialism, granted by designating the dollar to be the world currency as a part of the arrangements before and after the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement, the U.S. has sent out its tentacles and seized in its grip the national economies around the world through the central banks.

Economists are the ones whispering in the ears of the ambitious politicians. Both of these, economists and politicians, are ego-driven interventionists and both are easily persuaded by the unConstitutional coup in the U.S. (that extends its hegemony worldwide) to live the parasitic life, weakening the host. The weakened host, the Constitutional Republic, stays alive only because it has remnants of a contractual economy based on property rights.

If the economy collapses there are two possibilities: totalitarianism under a global oppressive system run by a small minority (similar to the unConstitutional coup) or the rebirth of classical liberalism societies that shun the control of the ego-driven minority.

Can we educate people about classical liberalism before the collapse despite the worldwide media control by the unConstitutional coup and its puppet governments? The answer is yes. Be an educator and spread the news that classical liberalism is the remedy and the best alternative to the lies and schemes of the ego-driven interventionists.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why Expect A Boom After Freddie And Fannie Nationalization?

It is like a bribe. Knowing that there is bribery involved in the exchanges taking place will not bolster confidence, nor result in stability.

The ego-driven interventionists practice counterfeiting as their monetary policy; and they use coercion to extract taxes to redistribute the wealth throughout their system of cronyism; and they use unethically ambitious media pawns to disperse their propaganda of half-truths; and they use indoctrination in an education system that has a curriculum controlled by the government.

So these are the practices that are supposed to make us feel prosperous!

These are the acts of tyrants and there is no way that these will boost the economy. Nationalization of Fannie and Freddie is more of the same, and the associated propaganda to sell this violation of the market processes is more of the same.

Are these ego-driven interventionists on the hopeless path of totalitarian control of the economy? They are desperate fools and would go that route - if they could - but people are waking up and are about to put an end to their unConstitutional coup!

For more information go to .

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Which Comes First - Civilization Or Virtue?

Which comes first the civilization or the virtuous character? (Which came first the chicken or the egg?)

In reality they are inseparable and so we are called upon to be individuals of goodly character and praiseworthy attributes.

One of those praiseworthy attributes is knowledge - knowledge of the merits of the principles of classical liberalism.

If you gain that knowledge socialism will be undone!

For more information go to .

Saturday, August 23, 2008

'Blowback' From the Movie 'I.O.U.S.A.'

How do you think fallacious economics and scheming politicians succeed in fooling people?

Half-truths are used as the bait and once the people nibble the ego-driven interventionists attempt to set the hook! What good, then, are all those who become fish-out-of-water?

We have access, thanks to Ron Paul and the Mises Institute, to the principles of classical liberalism and economics based on the correct methodology of subjectivism. We know that the unConstitutional coup has control of the media and that they will use half-truths to try to undermine the message of liberty and justice offered to everyone by the one true statesman - Ron Paul.

We also know that the unConstitutional coup is feeling desperate and that they are really fools so it is very possible that their attempt to bamboozle the public will backfire. The 'blowback' from I.O.U.S.A. may very well be a more alert populace seeking answers. All of the sudden the unConstitutional coup will have to intensify their clampdown on media coverage of anything associated with Ron Paul, so much so that even more people will wake up and revolt against their totalitarian measures.

It's like what Ron Paul said "the genie is out of the bottle!"

For more information go to .

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The ‘Forced Development’ Of Socialism.

What comes to your mind if I mention the following words: forced development?

Sure, things are coordinated but from what source? Is the plan of one ego-driven interventionist better than another. Which ego-driven interventionist prevails? All of the sudden it is a power grab to be the one who makes the plans as if the people affected by such intervention all wholeheartedly accept how the intervention affects their lives. The power grab inevitably invites corruption into the process and this corruption is combined with the ego-driven intervention resulting a nasty form of materialism.

How can this possibly be a good thing?

Well, economics is the study of the means to attain the ends. One means is forced development. An alternative means is the natural process that simply takes place in a classical liberalism society.

Determining the ends is also significant. When the end is a classical liberalism society then respect and trustworthiness do not get thrown out the window. When the ends is the vain imagining of the ego-driven interventionist then 'whatever it takes' is the name of the game.

Ultimately the 'forced development' creates massive conflict as powerful ego-driven interventionists find themselves up against other ego-driven interventionists, for example in the United States the rhetoric of the plunderers known as Republicans versus the rhetoric of the plunderers known as Democrats.

When development occurs naturally and in accordance with the principles of classical liberalism there is a free flow of information that serves to create an ever-advancing civilization without the scourge of the ego-driven.

For more information go to .

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Socialism Is A System Of Depravity.

A key point made by Fredrich Hayek in The University of Chicago Law Review (Spring 1949) is when he refers to the philosopher as the prince of the intellectuals.

To understand this we have to separate ourselves from socialism. A philosopher within socialism is functionally no more (due to its incongruence with the human spirit) a prince than any other socialist, just a more decorated one.

For Hayek's statement to be true - 'a philosopher is the prince of the intellectuals' - there has to be freedom of the human spirit. The entrepreneurial spirit that is alert to human potential will tend to be philosophic.

Here is an analogy:

Entrepreneurs are alert to the human needs and the resources necessary to meet those needs - they are the driving force of the economy. In like manner philosophers alert to human potential lay the groundwork necessary for the advancement of civilization.

Business people of all facets of commerce dutifully compete to get what the entrepreneurs discovered and all products and services to the consumers. In like manner the intellectuals diligently find ways to distribute this new philosophic information and information in general to human minds.

Socialism is not only a system of depravity economically but ineludibly it is a system of shackled intellectual and philosophic expressiveness.

For more information go to .

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The UnConstitutional Coup In America Lusts After The World.

Since the unConstitutional coup has no moral responsibility to any rule of law it will destroy anything and everything to satisfy its ego-driven interventionism.

It has hand-picked its spokespersons and is in a position of control of not only the news media in America but worldwide.

It is feeling the heat of the Ron Paul revolution and realizes that it needs to quickly secure all news sources lest the people of the world wake up to their lying and traitorous schemes for totalitarianism.

It will use the Olympics in China as a smoke screen to extend its flames into new regions and hope that these new conflagrations will be alarming enough to merit news coverage by the bribed and scripted news outlets put into place by the unConstitutional coup.

Not only do Americans have to worry about this unConstitutional coup, which is designed to destroy the Constitutional Republic in America, but the whole world is their stage and they are set to annihilate the rule of law in each and every country.

They are fools - ignorant of equilibrium forces and ignorant of the indomitable human spirit. But, at the same time, now is the time for action to expose their schemes and to trumpet classical liberalism as the peaceful and prosperous alternative.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Economic Hurricane Preparation!

If you turned on the TV and saw the radar showing a massive storm barreling towards where you live and heard the forecasters telling everyone to diligently prepare, what would you do?
You would prepare for the brunt of the storm and you would prepare for the aftermath, the long, slow and painstaking period of deprivation.

The quickly vanishing mirage of U.S. financial strength is on the radar! To prepare for the brunt of the storm do what Doug Casey suggests: Reduce your standard of living immediately and greatly increase your savings in real assets like gold. Seek out the few and far between financial analysts who understand and appreciate Austrian economics, like Peter Schiff (EuroPacific Capital) for example.

Then be ready to adjust to vastly different patterns of production and consumption and employment. People helping people and businesses facilitating that will be the keys to recovery.

The best outcome of the hurricane will be the stripping off of the masks from the ego-driven interventionists so that everyone can see them for who they really are - parasites!

For more information go to .

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Obesity And Starvation!

What does obesity mean? It means the same as starvation!

Never has there been such an absurd statement!

Obesity and starvation are both symptoms and signs of the same disease! Whoa, another absurd statement!

The same underlying illness is socialism. When there are natural resources aplenty but the attitudes developed in people as a result of the education system (and influenced by the government-controlled media) are focused on reliance on government, as is the case in a socialistic system, then the outcome is a population with an obesity problem.

When there are less natural resources or an even more oppressively-run government and people have no alternative but to rely on the government for their means of sustenance (because property rights have been abolished) then the outcome is starvation.

Someone might then object to this hypothesis by saying, “But look at America - the land of democracy - and you see an obesity explosion.” This is one of the proofs that the United States is a socialistic nation. It has adopted almost every one of the planks of the Socialist Party of the 1920’s. So, instead of disqualifying the hypothesis it verifies it.

Of course the stated goal of bringing obesity or starvation to everyone’s attention is to take some active steps to get rid of the problem. In America that means exposing and then ousting the unConstitutional coup which sits behind the scenes controlling the media and the education system. It means rejecting the politicians that serve them. Politically it means rejecting the single political party that calls itself by two names, Democrat and Republican. They are both fronts for the socialistic fascists who are the power elites but who are the real enemy of human health.

For prosperity, liberty, and the elimination of obesity and starvation we have to purge away the cause of the diseases. Get rid of the socialists worldwide by applying the healthful prescription - the philosophy of classical liberalism.

For more information go to .

Friday, May 23, 2008

What Does A Good Revolution Look Like?

This is a revolution but a good one.

If you read the thoughts of the ones who jumped on the bandwagon of the Keynesian 'revolution' in the 1930's and 1940's you will come across comments such as this: 'O to be young and acquainted with Keynesian economics!' These people thought it was revolutionary to discard all of the sensible economic science that had cumulatively been discovered over the centuries in favor of a 'theory' that wedded economics and politics without any economically logical constraints. Their newfound fantasy world created by the charlatan John Maynard Keynes made them feel young and alive, especially since they now could etch themselves into positions of power and intervene in the economy to feather their beds and the beds of the ego-driven politicians.

This revolution is quite different. It is the opposite.

This revolution is for the purging of the fallacious economic theories promulgated by the Keynesians and the Monetarists. It is a revolution for re-enkindling the principles of classical liberalism that inspired the founders of the U.S. Constitution. It is for returning to the rule of law which in the U.S. is supposed to be the Constitution. This revolution is a continuation of the the revolution against the tyranny of an oppressive State. Back then in 1776 it was against an oppressive King whereas now it is against the ego-driven interventionists who have usurped the power of our nation, who violate the Constitution and commit treason all along the way.

With regards this revolution, we are truly very fortunate to be alive and aware, and the legacy that we will leave will be praiseworthy and wise and responsible. In contrast, Keynesianism and Marxism and empiricism have left a cankerous legacy. It is about time we sought the services of the good doctor to remove the cancer of interventionism.

For more information go to .

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Worldwide Liberty In The Works!

Although a secondary purpose, the internet enables the concepts of classical liberalism to spread worldwide. No longer are people imprisoned by the propaganda of the political class.

Keynesianism created a political class that rewarded academics who perpetuated the fallacies of Keynesian economics all the while increasing the power of the political class. Each nation found itself in the grips of a power elite that, because the dollar was the world currency, was essentially part of the U.S. dollar hegemony.

Unpredicted and unrestricted, the internet and the personal computer revolution laid before everyone access to information untainted by government hype. Sure that type of ‘information’ is there also and sure the power elite is doing what it can to flood the media with its propaganda, but the alternative that sounds the clarion call of truth is very powerful and is at our fingertips.

The message of liberty and prosperity is available to everyone. Many people are actively seeking these God-given rights. However, others are frightened by the scare tactics employed by the power elite, the interventionists who direct the wealth from the resources of the world towards themselves. These wary individuals are just but one step away from exploring these noble ideas that are irresistible - the ideas of liberty and justice for all.

What is the destiny of America? The new book by Ron Paul, The Revolution: A Manifesto, will inspire people all over the world to change their perspective - not to be American - but to adopt the philosophy of classical liberalism, the same philosophy that inspired the founders of the American Republic.

Lift up your voices from all over the planet and make sure that the ego-driven interventionists know that their reign is over.

For more information go to .

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Constitutional Monarchy is the Best Form of Government.

At a later date I will go into more detail. At present I submit to you that the long range vision of a monarch is like that of a private property owner who has a vested self-interest in making sure that the nation remains wealthy. A just monarch is keenly interested in making sure that the citizens are cared for since it is their loyalty that makes the monarch viable.

The Constitutional part is key. The monarch is not the principal director of governmental affairs but he or she is the protector of the Constitution, guarding against socialism and fascism and the fallacies of democracy. Democracy, is the rule of the people but it is exceedingly short-sighted and leads to the plunder of the wealth of the nation to appease the politicians who are short-run caretakers intent upon enriching themselves for the short duration that they are in power.

As you can see, just like a monarchy is similar to a private property owner, democracy is similar to mob rule with a kingpin mobster in charge. They try their best to amass enough power to be able to challenge the other kingpin mobsters (called Democrats or Republicans in the U.S.) all the while enriching themselves and their kinfolk (political and corporate leeches). It is a form of nepotism.

For more information go to .

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Not Ask the Three Stooges About the Economy?

No I am not talking about Moe, Larry and Curly! I am talking about McCain, Obama and Hillary!

These three stooges of the status quo power elite will avoid speaking about the economy as much as possible because if they make known their views it will sound and look like the planks of the Socialist Party slightly seasoned with rhetoric straight from the fascist’s doctrine.

Why not ask them about the economy? Because the media knows this and is trying to serve their overlords by getting one of these ego-driven interventionists elected President, just as told to do so by their overlords. The media will try to run diversions through their sleazy ‘news’ coverage to distract the masses but, thank God, we are living in a time when they are being rendered impotent! The media will not be able to keep the collapse of the economy a secret!

Sooner or later they will have to ask the three stooges about the economy. Unless Americans have somehow confused our Founding Fathers with Lenin and Stalin their answers will be perceived as sour and rancid and sickening.

The prescription for that ill feeling is to hear what Ron Paul says about the economy. It is a plain fact that Ron Paul is a true American. In addition he is a scholar of classical liberalism and of free market economics and he is an uncompromising Constitutionalist which means that he can and will restore our Republic.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yellowstone and Grand Canyon Go To China and Saudi Arabia!

The ‘Undoing of Socialism’ here refers to the economic collapse of the Keynesian system exploited to the max by the Democrats and Republicans. They are really just different names for the same political party which could not be openly proclaimed - the Socialist Party - so they put on the façade of a ‘multiple party’ system. It is all becoming less relevant because the whole thing is falling apart anyway.

But our creditors, the nations that we went into debt with to finance our welfare/warfare State, they do not care whether the whole political situation in America is in shambles. They simply want payment for the trillions of dollars loaned to the power elite who bankrupted our country.

The first settlement agreed to is the Grand Canyon. And for the time being the second settlement is the ownership of Yellowstone National Park.

Now it is very clear what it meant: that the massive debt (brought on by all of these sleazy politicians) was going to be paid for by our children and our children's children. They will not be able to visit these places since they are now ‘privately owned’ by China and Saudi Arabia, respectively.

Our children and their children will have to begin the slow process of rebuilding but who knows what sovereign jurisdiction they will be a part of. Will there be a remnant that still adheres to the U.S. Constitution? If so, that is where the hope for liberty will reside.

Such a setback will mean that it will take even longer before the destiny of America, which is to bring liberty to the world, can be achieved. That is if the destructive ventures and the irresponsible and un-Constitutional policies of the imbeciles of the Socialist Party (Democrats and Republicans) haven’t already lead to the total annihilation of the noble experiment started by our Founding Fathers and institutionalized in the Constitution.

Turn to classical liberalism for an understanding of liberty. Keep the flame of liberty alive! Reject the socialism and fascism of all of the politicians. The one statesman, the classical liberalism scholar, who can prevent this scenario is Ron Paul!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Socialism Will Crumble When Face-to-Face With Ron Paul!

As the delegates trickle in for Ron Paul and as the supporters of Ron Paul take care of their precincts the frame of strength needed to catch the attention of the neoconservative socialists will be in place. This will be seen by them as a curious thing but their attitude of arrogance will make it seem to them as insignificant.

As taught in Austrian economics the real world is in disequilibrium because of uncertainty and imperfect knowledge. The certainty exhibited in the attitude of arrogance by the neoconservative socialists is contrary to this disequilibrium and so they are in for a surprise.

There are many possibilities with the force of equilibrium behind them that can crumble the vain imaginings of the neoconservative socialists. Here is one: The economy continues to decline and at an accelerated pace! How will McCain be able to hide his economic incompetence when he is put on the fire? Here is another: The revolt against the surge in Iraq will take a turn for the worse so that even the compliant media cannot hide it from the public. How will the warmongering rhetoric from a bellicose McCain soothe the total disgust of the American people towards a disastrous and un-Constitutional war?

The strong frame of support for Ron Paul at the Convention plus the shining truth of his words and the shining example of his deeds will transform the disheartened and disgraced Republicans. They will cast aside neoconservative socialism and with a sigh of relief and regained certitude rally behind the call for liberty and peace and prosperity sounded by the great statesman - Ron Paul!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Secrecy Not Privacy Unless We Elect Ron Paul.

The basic liberties given us in the Constitution are almost all gone.

If McCain (and his CIA overlords) gets elected secrecy will intensify. No one will ever be able to tell about how McCain collaborated with his enemy captors to save his own neck. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. The lies and oppressions of the government will vanish from public scrutiny and to accomplish this level of secrecy people will have to vanish also.

Of all of the candidates for President, whether Democrat or Republican, only Ron Paul talks about the civil liberties associated with a Constitutional government. He understands how to reinstate the safeguards for our human rights and our property rights. He understands that the Constitution is the rule of law and is the guarantor of a free and prosperous nation.

We are at a critical point in history and in the history of America. Our privacy is in danger. The secrecy needed for the socialism and fascism espoused by the hand-picked Presidential candidates is predictably very severe. The secretive overlords (difficult to know exactly who they are) who want a puppet President want to keep their anonymity and power, and they use the fear that they can wield because they have power and appear to be unknown to keep the media silent.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Neoconservative Socialists Or Ron Paul!

Either choose a neoconservative socialist or Ron Paul, that is the choice of the Republicans who are voting for a Presidential candidate. Hiding behind a façade of conservative rhetoric Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and Rudy Guilliani all view our nation as something that needs to be managed. Some would micromanage ( Romney), others would delegate it (especially the economy) to someone else (McCain), and just like the other two they would all find some way to impose their beliefs on everyone. This is why it is very appropriate to be alarmed and concerned about fascism in America. The application of what appears to be neoconservative rhetoric, by these politicians who view their responsibilities in the same way as socialists, is nothing but fascism.

The neoconservatives are dangerously close to being socialists because they desire to direct resources towards their objectives. To accomplish their objectives they need to assume control of resources that are supposed to be in the hands of private individuals. They claim it is for the good of all.

They claim it is for the good of all! This is blatantly a socialist mentality.

Ron Paul is the only candidate, either Republican or Democrat, that is not a socialist. Ron Paul is a classical liberal and a statesman with an unparalleled record of fiscal responsibility and Constitutional liberty and justice. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote to put the Republic back in Republican!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

McCain's Lack of Economic Understanding Breeds Socialism!

When John McCain is asked about the economy he responds in one of three ways.

1. He doesn't want to appear completely inept so he talks in circles using economic jargon but never saying anything that has any substance. Typical politician blah-blah. Typical socialist blah-blah.

2. He wants to appear like he is Presidential so he says that he will consult the experts. Someone tell him that if he doesn't understand economics he won't know if the 'experts' know what they are talking about! He will not be able to tell the difference between socialism and interventionism. (The answer is, in fact, that there is no difference.) He cannot make that determination so he will hand the country over to the socialists - some great protector and patriot (his hollow claim).

3. Or he talks about being fiscally responsible and against "pork barrel' spending like 'the bridge to nowhere.' What about all the fiscally irresponsible aspects of monetary policy and international finance? His depth of understanding is limited to only a blatant 'pork barrel' project while the vast majority of the economic issues are far beyond his ability to comprehend.

Here we are at a critical time in our history with a monstrous economic problem on our hands and John McCain wants to be the President! It may be that his incompetence is even greater than that of George Bush.

It is clear as day that Ron Paul has diagnosed the problem of the dollar bubble and he knows the steps we need to take to restore the Republic to its intended purpose.

Do not vote for John McCain unless you think America should have an economic imbecile as the President (again). The socialists are whispering their pathetic advice in his ears!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It Turns Out That Americans Love the Constitution! Thank You Ron Paul.

Waking up from slumber and realizing that it has been a bad dream, Americans are refreshed by the light of dawn. It takes a short time to fully begin activity and so a few stretches ensue. Next it is time to rid ourselves of the impurities that the immune system of our body has filtered out to keep us healthy.

This is an analogy of the current status of the Ron Paul Presidential campaign in America. The slumber was our indifference towards the two-headed single party system. We were woken by the clarion call of Ron Paul announcing that the Constitution is the rule of law. The bad dream that we had been experiencing was the socialism and fascism of the Keynesian neoconservatives who had hijacked the Constitution and replaced it with millions of pages of legislation and regulation and intervention.

The wakeful stretching was the grassroots support around the country for Ron Paul and the minor victories that energized the body as a whole just like stretches do. Now we are at the time to send the lying politicians (or even the ones who are not lying but who are so ignorant about the evils of socialism that they do not know any better) and the scheming media pundits into the the sewage system where they belong.

Invigorated and cleansed from the unspeakable we are ready to rise up and serve and preserve the Constitution, acknowledging that we have been honored in this way for a reason. America has a destiny to fulfill and the only way that destiny can be discovered is by adhering to the principles of the Constitution.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How Did the Media Become the Tool of Socialism?

Every day it becomes more obvious how deeply rooted socialism has become in what used to be the bastion of freedom and liberty. It used to be that the United States of America prided itself on the freedom of press. Now socialism is so advanced in the minds of Americans that they either sit on their hands while blatant violations of the free press take place or they jump on the Nazi bandwagon of propandizing their opposition to the voices of liberty.

Look at the platform of the Socialist Party in the 1920's and you will think that you are reading the Democratic platform of 2008 or listening to the Republican Forum in New Hampshire in January of 2008. No wonder they excluded Ron Paul. He is not a member of the Socialist party!

Part of the plan all along of the socialists/communists/interventionists/totalitarians was to infiltrate academia and the media. It looks like their infiltration has reached a critical mass. The peer pressure generated by these permeated institutions squashes all but the strongest.

That is not a bad thing. We only want the strongest. The battle to come will be won for that reason. We have the strongest ones on our side! Liberty and truth will prevail!

And there is another ally and that ally is the power of equilibrium! Very soon the forces of equilibrium will shatter the hollow shell of socialism and there is nothing that the pathetic media pundits or the academic charlatans can do to hide their fascist affiliation as the fragments of socialism go crashing to the ground.