Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The State Is The Destructive Agent Of Civilization.

The State is the destructive agent of civilization and it has the tendency to practice fascism - using coercion and political extortion - which drags in the large corporations. The State then uses this arrangement as a smokescreen to hide itself, and further advances its totalitarian tentacles of political extortion by then propagandizing the evils of businesses and entrepreneurs and real capital (real capital in contrast to the phony credit created by the State’s counterfeiting operation - the central bank).

In all societies 'business' represents private ownership of the means of production of goods and services and in all societies the 'State' represents the use of political coercion to extract wealth from those who produce. Whether it is political coercion by the so-called 'democratically elected' or by any of the other types of political systems it remains the "State' that produces nothing, but takes what it wants by coercive means.
For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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